116 research outputs found

    Amalgamated free products of n-groups

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    On some special limits of n-groups

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    Przywództwo polityczne – przykład Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej

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    Political Leadership: The Case of ChinaThe essence of the debate revolves around the topic concerning the leadership in the People’s Republic of China and its constitutional basis. The paper examines some questions. What is the meaning of the leadership? How has the institution of the leadership in China’s history been created? Why China is so interesting? What are the characteristics of the political system of this state? What is the contemporary political system and the position of the leader? The importance of the leadership conception is presented in the article. The history of Chinese statehood is addressed in the article, as well. The revolution stirred up by Mao Zedong in the 20th century is analyzed as having a significant impact on the issue of leadership in the contemporary China. Then, an evolution of the system currently in force is noticed. Furthermore, the Author attempts to analyze the constitutional basis of the institution of the PRC Chairman. At the end, the Author attempts to characterize the model of governance in China

    Kara śmierci w prawie karnym Chińskiej republiki Ludowej – zarys instytucji

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    The Death Penalty in the Criminal Law of China – an Outline of the InstitutionIt shall be stated in the article that People’s republic of China has increasingly become an object of the widespread interest in the western world countries. Despite the fact that the statehood was deprecated because of the historical events (internal affairs, wars etc.) nowadays it is to observe that the significant development of the country remains. However, the entire and complete Criminal codification has not existed. The Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure were passed by the delegates of the Communist Party of China in 1997.The death penalty has been an element of the Chinese legal system for ages. It was regarded as the main punishment – starting from the ancient times to the present day ending. The progressive humanitarianism of the Chinese Criminal law is noteworthy. China wants to be a political and economic partner of the Western world countries and endeavors to civilize its legal system. It is manifested in the systematic decisions: reducing the amount of the death penalty, suspension the execution of capital punishment, and even decriminalization more and more crimes. The new codification meets the basic principles of a civilized criminal law, which was often in vain look for in earlier  systems of Chinese law. Amendments (2007 – need the approval of the death sentence by the Supreme People’s Court, 2011 – decriminalization of 13 crimes) are aimed at gradually reducing the use of the death penalty.By keeping  he above trends, the authorities of China will make that only perpetrators of the most serious offenses will be executed

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink

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    In this study, an active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink is introduced. Although ADRC has already been established as a powerful robust control framework with successful industrial implementations and strong theoretical foundations, a comprehensive tool for computer-aided design of ADRC has not been developed until now. The proposed open-source ADRC Toolbox is a response to the growing need in the scientific community and the control industry for a straightforward software application of the ADRC methodology. Its main purpose is to fill the gap between the current theories and applications of ADRC and to provide an easy-to-use solution for users in various control fields who want to employ the ADRC scheme in their applications. The ADRC Toolbox contains a single, general-purpose, drag-and-drop function block that allows the synthesis of a predefined ADRC-based strategy with minimal design effort. Additionally, its open structure allows creation of custom control solutions. The efficacy of the ADRC Toolbox is validated through both simulations and hardware experiments, which were conducted using a variety of problems known in the motion, process, and power control areas.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figures, 3 table

    Treatment results at 20 years and prognostic factors in post-mastectomy irradiated breast cancer patients

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    Wstęp. W ostatnich 20 latach nastąpił znaczny postęp w diagnostyce i leczeniu chorych na raka piersi. Do leczenia uzupełniającego wprowadzono antracykliny i taksany (AT). Celem pracy jest ocena wyników leczenia chorych po radykalnej mastektomii i radioterapii pooperacyjnej przed erą AT. Oceniono częstość występowania późnych powikłań leczenia.Materiał i metody. Analizą retrospektywną objęto 470 kolejnych kobiet chorych na raka piersi w stopniach I–III B po mastektomii radykalnej, napromienianych w Centrum Onkologii w latach 1985–1994. Mediana wieku wynosiła 56 lat (przedział: 26–77). Przerzuty w węzłach chłonnych pachowych po operacji (pN1-2) rozpoznano u 80%, a u pozostałych 20% przerzutów nie stwierdzono (pN0). Chemioterapię według programu CMF lub Ansfielda zastosowano u 32%, a hormonoterapię tamoksyfenem u 39% chorych. Mediana obserwacji dla chorych żyjących wynosiła 17,5 roku. Krzywe przeżycia całkowitego (PC) i bezobjawowego (PB) obliczano metodą Kaplana-Meiera, do analizy czynników rokowniczych zastosowano model proporcjonalnego ryzyka Coxa. Do oszacowania funkcji skumulowanego odsetka nawrotów lokoregionalnych (SONLR) zastosowano metodę wydarzeń konkurujących (CRM — competing risks method).Wyniki. 10- i 20-letnie PB i PC chorych wynosiły odpowiednio: 32% i 19%; 40% i 24%. 10- i 20-letni SONLR oraz konkurujących wydarzeń: przerzutów odległych, zgonów z nieustalonej przyczyny, raka drugiej piersi, innego nowotworu złośliwego wyniosły odpowiednio: 21% i 21%; 36% i 40%; 7,3% i 11,3%; 3,2% i 4,7%; 1,3% i 1,8%. W ciągu pierwszych 5 lat pojawiło się 69%, w ciągu 10 lat 86%, a po 10 latach 14% nawrotów raka piersi. Potwierdzono, że najsilniejszym czynnikiem wpływającym zarówno na ryzyko nawrotu, jak i zgonu była liczba zajętych przez przerzuty węzłów chłonnych, usuniętych podczas mastektomii radykalnej — powyżej trzech (p = 0,0001). Nie wykazano podobnej różnicy w grupie chorych z pN0 vs pN1-3 (p > 0,18). Z późnych powikłań związanych z leczeniem rozpoznano: obrzęk kończyny górnej u 13,6% chorych i porażenie splotu barkowego u 0,9% chorych. U jednej chorej po 19 latach od napromieniania rozpoznano, w obszarze spadku dawki, płaskonabłonkowego raka płuca.Wnioski. 1. Z dzisiejszego punktu widzenia uzyskane odległe wyniki leczenia chorych na raka piersi napromienianych po mastektomii świadczą o małej skuteczności ówczesnego leczenia.2. Pięcioletni okres obserwacji chorych na raka piersi jest zbyt krótki do oceny wyników leczenia, gdyż nawet po 10 latach ryzyko nawrotu lub zgonu z powodu raka piersi jest wysokie.Introduction. In the last 20 years, anthracycline and taxanes (AT) have been implemented in breast cancer treatment.The aim of this work is to estimate the prognostic factors and long-term disease-free survival in breast cancer patientsafter radical mastectomy and postoperative radiotherapy before implementation of AT.Material and methods. The retrospective analysis included 470 post-mastectomy breast cancer patients in stage I–IIIB consecutively irradiated in the Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw from 1985 to 1994. The women were aged 26–77 years with a median of 56 years, and there were 80% with pN1-2 stage, and 20% with pN0. Simultaneously with radiotherapy 32% of patients received chemotherapy (CMF and/or Ansfield’a regimen) and 39% hormonotherapy (Tamoxifen). The median follow-up was 17.5 years. Disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method, and prognostic factors were studied using the Cox’s proportional hazards regression model. To assess the function of the cumulative percentage of loco-regional recurrences (CPLRR) the competing risk method was used.Results. 10-and 20-year DFS and OS rates were respectively 32% and 19%; 40% and 24%. 10-year and 20-year CPLRR rates and competing events: distant metastases, deaths from unknown causes, cancer of the second breast and other malignant tumours were respectively: 21% and 21%; 36% and 40%; 7.3% and 11.3%; 3.2% and 4.7%; 1.3% and 1.8%. Within the first 5 years, 69%, in 10 years 86%, and after 10 years 14% of breast cancer failures occurred. It was confirmed, that the strongest prognostic factor influencing both the DFS and OS was the number of involved axillary lymph nodes — above three (p = 0.0001). There were no statistically significant differences in the groups of patients with pN0 vs pN1-3 in both PB and PC. The presence of lymphoedema of the upper extremity and brachial plexopathy was correlated with post-mastectomy radiotherapy in 13.6% and 0.9% of patients. In one patient after 19 years of irradiation, squamous cell lung cancer was diagnosed in an area of low dose.Conclusions. Post-mastectomy treatment resulted in a not very satisfactory survival of breast cancer patients. The 5-year follow-up period for breast cancer patients is too short to assess the results of the treatment, because even after 10 years the probability of recurrence or death due to breast cancer is high

    The Relationship between Selected Motor Ability Determinants and Anthropometric Characteristics in Adolescent Athletes from Various Sport

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between speed, lower extremities explosive power, simple, and complex responses in adolescent athletes from various disciplines. Thirty nine athletes of 16.5 years old, N=13 sprinters and jumpers, N=13 soccer players, and N=13 judokas participated in the experiment. Pearson correlations, a one–way ANOVA and an independent t-test for establishing differences between those three groups of athletes was applied. Additionally the Ward method of hierarchical cluster analysis also was applied. The strong correlation occurred between complex responses and speed; 20 m from standing and 20 m fl ying start (r=0.62 and r=0.65 respectively). In other cases, no strong association was found. The substantial differences between groups occurred in the 20 m run from fl ying start (t=5.92) and standing triple jump (t=4.16). The study indicates that adolescent athletes may need to be assessed differently to a certain extent, including sport specialization